Panel one
Row 1
one red toy plastic rake
one plastic doll arm (left arm)
one red toy plastic dump truck
one black plastic toy goat with a red bandana (top)
one green plastic star (bottom)
one red plastic (top)
one yellow plastic half sphere with 3 holes (bottom)
one yellow plastic snake
Row 2
one green plastic shower curtain ring
one half turquoise plastic hair clip
one small turquoise blue plastic dolls plate, "A&A" brand
one pink plastic bangle bracelet
one red plastic ring pop base
one piece red white, blue foam flying toy marked "835"
Row 3
three blue/ green plastic shards
one half piece dark blue plastic. hole on one end, use unknown
one blue plastic building block
four pieces white plastic merchandise clips
one half black plastic buckle
one part transluscent plastic deodorent applicator
one blue/white water bottle cap
Row 4
one yellow plastic cross having a hole in the center
one tiny red plastic cross
one tangled mass baloons, all burst
one piece orange plastic, crook on one end
one pink plastic half sphere with three holes
one yellow plastic take away spoon
one white plastic take away fork
four white plastic take away forks
one white plastic lip balm tube, no label, brand unknown
one transluscent plastic detergent scoop
Row 5
one plastic tortoishell eyeglass temple, make unknown
one brown plastic eyeglass temple, make unknown
one plastic tortoishell eyeglass temple, make unknown
one black plastic sunglass temple
one white plastic applicator tip
one green plastic fish/basket type thing
one small piece broken yellow plastic, use unknown
one piece yellow plastic flip cap
one very rusted piece metal
one green plastic lighter inscribed "WACKY WANDAS, BAR LA CENTRAL QUEPOS CENTRO"
one white plastic lighter "MARLBORO" brand

Panel 2
Row 1
8 various sizes/types bottle/jar caps in a variety of colors
Row 2
15 blue plastic bottle caps
row 3
two blue plastic bottle caps
one decayed blue water bottle cap
two blue/white bottle caps
two more blue bottle caps
Row 4
one orange bottle cap
one very destroyed white bottle cap
two black bottle caps
two red plastic bottle caps
13 white plastic bottle caps
Row 6
one white plastic bottle cap
Row 7
6 green plastic bottle caps
1 turquoise plastic bottle cap
1 white plastic bottle cap
1 turquoise blue plastic bottle cap
1 white plastic bottle cap
4 yellow plastic bottle caps
9 red plastic bottle caps
22 clothespin halves in various colors